Off Grid & On Grid Power Packages
Ready to install 1kW to 30kW packages
Solar power is an excellent way to generate energy for your home in a clean, efficient and sustainable way. We can help you with the plans for you to install a solar system on your home or business. Eco Smart has range of affordable solar power packages, do-it-yourself (DIY), and ready to install. We have Customized, Stand Alone and Remote Monitoring Solutions. By installing your own solar package you are eligible to receive the incentives and credits. You can select a solar power kit to match the space you have available, and the level of output you need to match your energy requirements. The size and degree of complexity involved then dictate how quick it is to fit. Generate your own power with Eco Smart compact and efficient solar power packs. Make best use of free fuel, powered by the sun, and start with Solar Power!

Grid-tied Packages
Grid tied systems harness solar energy in your facility works in conjunction with your existing mains supply. Eco Smart Solar Power Packages have connectors that transport energy to the electric grid that feeds properties in your area. The main advantage of this is that you can sell any surplus energy you generate to your local energy supplier, and all your own energy is stored by the grid. A qualified solar electrician must be part of the process.
Off-grid Packages
As the name implies they are independent power source as they are not tied to the grid. Eco Smart system installation is quick and the whole system is low maintenance. This is a great option for when you need a smaller amount of electricity, and you don’t want or need to be integrated with a mains system. These kits feed energy into a battery, for an easy and highly economical source of power. You simply need to invest in one with the correct sizing to match the energy level required.
Benefits of Solar Power Packages
1. Money-saving
Make an investment for the DIY Solar Power Package and do the rest yourself, unless you choose one of the grid-tied kits that need wiring in by an electrician. Using a solar panel kit and trying to install the solar panels yourself will save you money on installation costs, saves on fuel costs or saves on electricity bills.
2. Power on demand easily
Using a DIY solar power package is ideal for properties or buildings that are already off-grid. If you want to power the lighting for a barn, shed or boat, then a small solar panel kit is a great way to generate the electricity for them without having to rely on a generator.

3. Uninterrupted Power
Eco Smart power packages are fully automatic and all systems functions are controlled by a Microcontroller. They are synchronized with an inbuilt Charge Controller and are based on the most advanced charging technology, so you get the longest possible battery life.
The power packs have an option to provide an uninterrupted power for devices like computers, lights, fans, refrigerators, caravans, boats, water pumps, and other sensitive special electronic equipment.